Photography Waiver
"Weekend Warrior Experience"
I agree to participate in , and / or appear in, the photography projects by whatever future name as may be designated, which is being produced by Fell & Fair Productions or White Horse Solutions, both are South Carolina based LLC's.
Whatever acting, participation, performance and / or appearance I may have in any film or still photography, and whatever work, of whatever kind, I may do on, or in the making, advertising, or promoting of any projects, shall be treated as a “work for hire” under all copyright, trademark, or applicable laws covering intellectual and creative property rights, and Fell & Fair Productions and White Horse Solutions shall have all creative and editing rights, privileges, and control. Fell & Fair Productions reserves, and I the undersigned, expressly and irrevocably grant and license Fell & Fair Productions and White Horse Solutions, all rights of every kind in and to all physical, visual, audio, digital, and electronic embodiments, representations, photographs, or recording of my participation, in likeness, and appearance in the Film. Including the right to exploit, copyright, trademark, use, exhibit, edit, display, print, reproduce, televise, sell, broadcast, and distribute, in whole or in part, throughout the world, in perpetuity, the Film in any and all media whether now known or hereafter devised. Including, but without limitation, my participation, likeness, and appearance in the Film for advertising and other promotional purposes.
By purchasing a ticket to Weekend Warrior Experience I agree to the above and understand I am participating in, and working on the Film as a voluntary.