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Training Grounds - Battle

Training Grounds - Battle

Regular price $68.25 USD
Regular price Sale price $68.25 USD
Sale Sold out
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This ticket is for Training Grounds - Battle Focused on March 22nd at Cross H Farm.

This event focuses on line-battle tactics, including effective use of a shieldwall, as well as the importance of teamwork and communication in large-scale battles. You will get the chance to try various types of shields and weapons, and will test and employ different tactics as the teams battle for objectives. 

Check-in starts at 9 am - with Training starting at 9:30 am and going until 6 pm.

There will be a 1-hour Lunch Break. Lunch will be available for purchase from Rad Dad's BBQ.

Training Grounds is a mostly immersive event based around your character being sent to a training camp to increase their combat skills. This will be a great event for returning players looking to enhance their skill set, or for new or potential players looking to test the waters and get a feel for what combat at Weekend Warrior, The Hearthlands, & War of the Barons is like.

Unlike our main events, Training Grounds will be less story-driven and more skills-based. We will focus on training and exposure to a variety of weapons in the morning and will teach and practice battle tactics in the afternoon. However, while at the event we will be in character, so prepare to learn how to play your role!

Camping will be available on-site for both Friday and Saturday night for the cost of $20 per person/per night. Porta Johns will be available but no showers or electricity.

For this one-day event, weapon rentals are free. Basic costume rentals will be $25 for the day.

Our hope is that many folks who are considering Weekend Warrior or War of the Barons but are not ready to take the plunge will join us for a little taste of the event. We also expect there will be quite a few veteran players there to set an example for the new recruits!


All normal Weekend Warrior & War of the Barons rules and policies apply.

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